I will be posting a new blog every week for a whole year starting from the 4th of March 2019. I have created a hashtag called #weeklyblogchallenge as a way for viewers to follow my blogs. Make sure you come back here every Sunday morning to read about my latest teaching related blog post.
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Blog Disclaimer
"Any opinions presented here are those of our bloggers and are not representative of their employers or Griffin Education Enterprises. The views expressed by our bloggers are their own opinions."

If you have ever been interested in reducing your alcohol consumption, then this is the blog for you.
All of these incredible personal development books come to less than $7!
Want to change how you use your phone?
Then make sure you read our latest blog.
Looking for a guide on How to Teach Pixel Art in Your Classroom?
Then you’ve come to right blog!
Need a boost with your mindset?
Then make sure you read this week’s blog.
Don’t like the feeling of discomfort that comes with criticism?
Neither do we! Make sure you check out this week’s blog to find out how.
Interested in learning more about the Braille teaching niche?
Then make sure you check out this week’s blog as part of my #weeklyblogchallenge
Ever wondered how long you spend working at school and from home?
Then make sure you read this week’s blog.
Ever wondered how you can provide your students with opportunities for ‘A’s?
Then make sure you read this week’s blog as part of my #weeklyblogchallenge!
Want to save time on long it takes to complete your reports?
Then make sure you read this week’s blog. You won’t regret it!
Struggling with behaviour management?
Then make sure you reading this blog!
Burnout is real so make sure you do something about it and read this blog!
Looking to improve your questioning techniques? Then click here to learn about 7 effective questioning techniques to improve student participation and understanding.
Well they certainly don’t work during school hours!
Click here to see just how long teachers really spend at school on a typical day.
Unsure of how to resolve conflict between students? Then read this blog to find out.
*Helicopter and lawnmower parent warning*
This blog may contain advice about effective parenting enabling your child to become independent at resolving conflict themselves.
Ever wondered what secondary school teachers want from their new year seven students? Then click here to find out.
Looking for ways to speed up the reporting process? Then click here to found out ‘3 Ways Google Docs Can Help With Your End of Semester Reports’.
Don’t know how to share large files with other teachers without physically handing them a copy? Needs ideas on how to make sick days smoother? Ever lost your data? Then this is the blog for you!
Are your spelling tests a bit stale? Do you want to make sure your testing procedures guarantee the best results? Then check out this blog.
Want to halve the time it takes to edit your writing? Then this is the blog for you!
Sick of marking multiple choice question after multiple choice question? Then read about how you can completely eliminate this unnecessary task.
Don’t get stung by the random ads and pop ups when showing YouTube videos to your classroom. Read this blog to find out how.
Concerned about what precautions you should take to protect your professional image? Then read this blog to find out how.
Need a side hustle? Low on money? Then tutoring is the perfect way to make some extra cash. Read this blog to find out how I built up my tutoring business.
How I turned from bitter to better after failing my level three classroom teacher application.
The most popular blog on my website. This was more of a rant back in 2016 but it does contain my unsuccessful portfolio and it does contain valuable lessons other applicants can learn from.
Looking for some great Maths apps? Then this is the blog post for you.
Looking to crack the relief teaching market? Then read this blog to see how I did it.
One of the best tools a teacher can ever have in the classroom. Make sure you read this blog to see how the Apple Watch can help you.